Cyberfair!!! What a way to spend some time! What a topsy-turvy
but really fun way to earn some credit!
What-the-? Joining contests is hard…really hard. You know
the pressure? Then, there would be some disagreements between the members—then
when your group mates are a bit…difficult, you have to be the one to just
adjust and adapt. But there are some good points though; you’d learn what
teamwork, sportsmanship, coordination, and alike means. You’d learn to work
under pressure, and you’d learn to use a time table and/or other time
management techniques.
Sometimes, you just got to be the one to bend you know? You just got to be the
one to sacrifice the most just for the success of one thing, right? Otherwise,
what other choice do you have? You’d either fail or get kicked out—take a pick.
For the completion of a project between a specific time frame, everyone should
be able to work and help. Everyone should cooperate so that what activity is
allotted for the said time would be accomplished.
Hey, contests are not about winning—well, sometimes they are, but—they’re really
about showing the best you can be, and proving what you’ve got in that specific
field. And anyways, someone’s really got to loose, to give way for the winner
Yep, this is really important. Miscommunication was a really hot topic for our
group—if you know what I mean. The others are doing another thing, and then the
other members are too. It was really hard, and strenuous; especially because
someone had to make up for those mistakes…and those ‘someone(s)’ are us.
Really, it was stressing.
Management. Uh-oh. This really important too…otherwise, when the group mate
comes he or she might be given all the work—and I sympathize with him or her…
All these were what we, our team including me, came across
with while completing this cyberfair project, Though it was quite hectic,
still, I believe it was a fruitful project.
This entry was posted
on Sunday, March 13, 2011
at Sunday, March 13, 2011
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