Posted by pamG

According to a research study, lights contribute 24.6% of the total greenhouse gas emissions around the world, making it the biggest contributor to global warming. With this in mind, we should be more concerned and vigilant on how we could address it. During the yuletide season, commercial buildings, some government offices and residential houses are used to embellishing their giant Christmas trees and even the whole building/ house with hundreds and thousands of Christmas lights which are undoubtedly adorable but also are fire hazards. Not that I want to be a killjoy but the excessive use of these lights along with other Christmas decors using electricity would further aggravate the damage mankind has caused mother earth. In and out of our very own houses, we are already bombarded with regular bulbs to illuminate the different areas, appliances and gadgets that make life easier and fun for us. Well, I believe everybody should do their part be it individuals or groups to reduce the use of such if we are talking of significant contribution to reducing the effects of these greenhouse gases to mother earth. Here in our beloved city, I’m so much happy and impressed that our very own mayor is obviously an advocate to such cause. He wants energy-efficient bulbs for our streetlights all over the city that could last for years and lessens the bill of the city government at the same time thereby allotting whatever savings to other valuable projects. I hope also that there will be more companies like Philips who donated energy-saving bulbs to our city public market who will offer any assistance for the this noble cause. Simple ways, big ways, as long as these are sincere I believe this is a precious Christmas gift to mother earth.

Creative Commons License
OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TO MOTHER EARTH by PamG is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at watcomsngoes.blogspot.com.

This entry was posted on Monday, November 22, 2010 at Monday, November 22, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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