Cyberfair Thoughts  

Posted by pamG

Cyberfair!!! What a way to spend some time! What a topsy-turvy but really fun way to earn some credit!
What-the-? Joining contests is hard…really hard. You know the pressure? Then, there would be some disagreements between the members—then when your group mates are a bit…difficult, you have to be the one to just adjust and adapt. But there are some good points though; you’d learn what teamwork, sportsmanship, coordination, and alike means. You’d learn to work under pressure, and you’d learn to use a time table and/or other time management techniques.
                Adaptation. Sometimes, you just got to be the one to bend you know? You just got to be the one to sacrifice the most just for the success of one thing, right? Otherwise, what other choice do you have? You’d either fail or get kicked out—take a pick.
                Teamwork. For the completion of a project between a specific time frame, everyone should be able to work and help. Everyone should cooperate so that what activity is allotted for the said time would be accomplished.
                Sportsmanship. Hey, contests are not about winning—well, sometimes they are, but—they’re really about showing the best you can be, and proving what you’ve got in that specific field. And anyways, someone’s really got to loose, to give way for the winner right?
                Coordination. Yep, this is really important. Miscommunication was a really hot topic for our group—if you know what I mean. The others are doing another thing, and then the other members are too. It was really hard, and strenuous; especially because someone had to make up for those mistakes…and those ‘someone(s)’ are us. Really, it was stressing.
                Time Management. Uh-oh. This really important too…otherwise, when the group mate comes he or she might be given all the work—and I sympathize with him or her…

All these were what we, our team including me, came across with while completing this cyberfair project, Though it was quite hectic, still, I believe it was a fruitful project.

Single Books’ Highlighting Values (that do not really reveal all the info) from some teenage gal  

Posted by pamG in , , , , ,

The Taker by J.M Steele

Personally, I really did enjoy the book. It reflected the life of a teenage girl who is about to face a new realm of reality. Obstacles face her and her future, when her SATs fail and “doom” shadows her future. But all hope is not lost, especially when The Taker comes to her aid. With the help of all those around her also, she is able to ‘undo’ the wrong choices, and learn from them making better ones along the way. If you think that this “info” is not enough…or is wrong…Then what the heck. Buy the book ( or if you’re not that rich and extravagant like me, borrow it) and start pouring over the pages!

The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot

This book, I enjoyed too. It shows that deceit is not proper and…it hurts. But if IT is true love or true care for the person, then we’d learn to forgive. It shows also that one way or another, love hurts and depresses us but then, we’d see that love is patient, love is kind…er… true love, that is. The story also was presented in a creative way, which adds to the drama and…that stuff. I deeply recommend for you to read and ‘feel’. If after reading the book, and you thought of it as…ugly and unpleasant (I doubt! hahaha) then sorry you don’t have a wicked, sentimental sense of humor!

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

If you liked the Twilight Series, you’d definitely like this! It is a story of sacrifice, brotherhood, and ‘perfectly-human’ traits that we cannot help but not ignore. It involves creatures. (Once again, like her other books) Something like that, because…um…never mind. So that the thrill is a surprise! Hahaha. Anyway, it’s a story about learning to love someone despite their imperfections and despite the ‘undesirable’ or ‘overly-unique’ traits. Like all her other books also, it has a dangling and cliff-hanging ending. So beware, for those who cannot take it!